Arkansas Guided Dove Hunts

Duck Down's dove hunt is always held the first weekend in September, Labor Day weekend. We have been having this hunt for over 15 years. We hunt doves over sunflowers that are planted around the first of May. The sunflowers grow during the summer months and are mature in late August. When the sunflowers mature we start to mow strips across the field. Mowing the sunflowers scatters the seed across the ground creating a prime feeding area for the doves.  The birds will find the seed and will invade the field by the hundreds. This makes for a really great hunt. Some years the birds are so thick it gets hard to keep your gun loaded because the doves fly by so frequently!

Arkansas Dove Hunting Guide

Arkansas Dove Hunting Guide

Our hunt is for people of all ages. We flag the field and set two hunters to each flag surrounding the field. Flagging the field is done to assure a safe hunt. Each flag is spaced accordingly to minimize the potential for an accident. Duck Down's Dove Hunt is a safe and fun event for friends, family and co-workers. After the first morning hunt on opening day, all hunters will leave the field and head to our farm shop to eat a hardy lunch that is catered by a local BBQ catering company.

Dove Hunt Rates

Dove Hunt Rates

Duck Down Guide Service rates for Arkansas Dove Hunting are as follows:

  • $200- per person for opening weekend 2018
  • No sunflowers planted this season.
  • The hunt will take place in a wheat field
  • Included in price is a catered BBQ lunch on opening day by The White Pig

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